Saturday, November 29, 2008

Chronology of Yoruba History

Chronology of Yoruba History

Dates Yoruba History Arts and Literature Politics Science and Philosophy
1820 Christian Missionaries and linguists visiting Nigeria (during the 1820s & 1830s) use the name Yoruba to describe the group of people they encounter who share the same religious identity. The Venus de Milo is discovered. March 6th - "The Missouri Compromise" is decided by Congress, whereby Missouri enters the Union as a slave state, but slavery is to be abolished by the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase. The first iron steamship is launched.
1842 Samuel Crowther writes and publishes the first Yoruba language book called, Yoruba Vocabulary and Yoruba Grammar, based on his native Oyo language. Lord Tennyson writes Morte d'Arthur and other Idylls. Webster-Ashburton Treaty between Britain and US defines frontier between Canada and US. Ether is used for the first time as an anaesthetic for a minor operation in the US.
1850 Traditional Yoruba music changes in structure due to the influence of European missionary church hymns (between 1850s & 1890s) Herman Melville writes Moby Dick. Hawthorne write The Scarlet Letter. California is admitted to the Union as a free state. Robert Wilhelm von Bunsen invents the burner that bears his name.
1930 Druing the 1930s and 1940s Tunde King "creates" the juju style of music. He performs in the urban areas of Lagos. Dutch painter, van Doesburg, first uses the term "Concrete Art" April 22nd - US, Britain, France, Italy, and Japan end the 4 month long London Conference with a signing of a treaty on naval disarmament, regulating submarine warfare & limiting aircraft carriers. March 18th - Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory in Arizona, discovers the planet Pluto.
1938 D.O. Fagunwa publishes his first book, which serves as a model for writing the Yoruba language (a difficult feat due to the tonality of the Yoruba language). Frank Lloyd Wright builds the Taliesin West in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. November 9th - The "Crystal Night", when Jewish houses, synagogues, and schools in Germany are burnt down and shops looted; attacks continue until the 14th. German physicist Otto Hahn and F. Strassman discover nuclear fission.
1960 In the early 1960s juju music adds to its ensemble a variety of Yoruba instruments (such as the talking drum) and Western instruments (such as the electric guitar). First public performance of the Beatles in Hamburg, West Germany. Nigeria gains its independence. Surgeons in Birmingham, England, develop a pacemaker for the heart.
1966 Sunny Ade (arguably the most popular juju musician of all times) forms his band, the Green Spots, which has 20 to 30 band members. November 20th - Cabaret is first performed at the Broadhurst Theater in New York. The Nigerian War breaks out and many musicians are forced back to their homes or sent abroad.

June 13th - The Supreme Court rules on the Miranda v. Arizona case that evidence obtained by confession is only valid when the police can show the suspect was aware of her/his right to silence.

February 3rd - Soviet spacecraft, Luna 9, makes the first soft landing on the Moon.

June 2nd - The US, Surveyor, lands on the moon.

1996 Lagbaja's recording, C'est Une African Thing tops Nigeria's charts with hits like 'Coolu Temper' and 'Bad Leadership'. His songs emphasize the Yoruba value of community over individuality. Boy band group, the Backstreet Boys release their first, self titled, album. Appeals court upholds District decision for Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy in the military. The Running Kilt was invented in 1996 after hearing a myriad of complaints from Scottish runners about leg chafing.

The Palm Pilot is invented.

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