Monday, August 18, 2008

Yoruba Greeting and Custom

In the world today Yoruba is among the first Tribe that has respect and good characters and attitude
Yoruba ladies are the one of best for home material

Yoruba has the highest chracters fellow by India and other Asia Continents

If someone use at least 1 day to senior you in Age in yoruba tribe you must call Him or She Uncle or Aunty

Eg Uncle Sam correct
Eg Sam Not correct

If a Yoruba man wanted to greet his Father or Mother or any elderly person in the family you must remove your cap and Positrate on the floor

If a Yoruba lady wanted to greet his Father or Mother or any elderly person in the family she must Knee Down on the floor

And if Yoruba woman want to give his husband something she much blend down or knee down

As a Yorubas if you notice someone senior you,you must not be the first to ask for hand shake

Yoruba are one of the first who has meaning for everything of nature and names and translation of Oracle,

Yoruba believe much in proverb and they are like camelon,genius sometimes they play a game like green snake under the grass..

Yoruba believe much in ORACLE words...that is the reason Yoruba Tribe cannot just give someone a name without reason...the name must have a reason

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